The Walking Dead - Lockdown - Digital Matte Painting
Final image

Final image

Breakdown of digital matte painting and The Walking Dead effect

Final digital matte painting

Final digital matte painting

Foreground base plate

Foreground base plate

Midground base plate

Midground base plate

The Walking Dead - Lockdown - Digital Matte Painting

This DMP exercise came from week 11 of the DMP course. Focus was on using only 2-5 images to create a digital matte painting while applying all the technical skills learned in the course. I decided to have fun with it and make it an intro scene for The Walking Dead: Lockdown (yes, pun intended after the craziness of 2020-2022). I have another version in the works where I replace the pavement with a water canal.

Credit for the tutorial on The Walking Dead effect goes to the Photoshop Pro channel on YouTube (Creating a Poster inspired by The Walking Dead - PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL --

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